This programme gave me a boost in confidence. I am happier to study and have a clearer understanding in ways to study a topic. It was a great help as it made me feel it is possible to remember diagrams, quotes, definition etc in a short amount of time

6th Year The Institute of Education
..a great advantage for studying for my Leaving Cert - it reduces your study time, stimultes your imagination and helps you learn faster. I found the Symbol Wheels very beneficial and I will use them in the future. I feel that my memory will be much better now and I will learn things easier. I found it very helpful and beneficial to me.

6th Year St Josephs of Cluny, Dublin
It helped me learn things fast and know things for longer. I enjoyed the Symbol Wheels and visual learning..

3rd Year Clonkeen College, Dublin
Using visual static memory to learn definitions and words was very useful. The symbol wheels were good for helping make shorter notes. I fell that my understadning of how to rememeber things enhanced. It teaches how the brain works and how to use it more effectively. Very beneficial.

6th Year St Josephs of Cluny, Dublin
I feel that I benefitted from Symbol Wheels and from Goal Setting. Goal Setting will probably give me the motivation to improve my scores in all subjects...

3rd Year Clonkeen College, Dublin
..a totally different and easier way of learning.

6th year Kilkenny
helps you realise how to have a photographic memory.... and how to condense topics with symbol wheels

6th Year Kilkenny
..Very beneficial and worthwhile if you find it hard to focus and concentrate.

5th year Kilkenny
..This is not just only for studying and its nothing like the "study skills classes" your school gives. This programme teaches you how to learn as opposed to just telling you what to learn. ..Self-motivation has been triggered for me. It is very interesting and I would advise anyone to do it. BRILLIANT. THANK YOU!

6th year The Institute of Education, Dublin
A programme to help you learn more effectively and how to cut down on your study time but to make the time count. It teaches you how to use your visual memory more so to retain the knowledge.

3rd Year Roscommon
I found it a very useful course and I now know how to study, and truly more efficiently.

5th Year CBS Kilkenny
Using visual memory shows you a quick and easy way to remember definitions, formulae etc. Very useful and beneficial day.

5th Year CBS Kilkenny
.. gives you a clear image in your head of how to study successfully. It shows you how to get in the zone and maintain focus while studying. It gives you motivation and leads you in the right direction for the world of work through study. Very interesting.

5th Year CBS Kilkenny
This course was excellent and definitely worthwhile and I would advise all students to attend because it helps so much and gives you a study plan that will work well for the Leaving Cert. ….It helped me a lot because it helps you to understand what you are studying by visualising. I feel more coherent now to go and do studying than before. It shows a more effective way to study in a less stressful short amount of time.

6th year The Institute of Education, Dublin